Wires are unsafe and becoming obsolete. The Grid is a major national security risk. Utilities cost of electricity is increasing. And more than ever it is clear that we have a responsibility to take care of the environment. And so, what does our future look like? It is the dawn of new energy, we are moving beyond wire. Just look outside at those wires. Now imagine them gone, seems probable, right?  

One day we may not be receiving electricity through  long distance wires at all. Our reliance on utilities should be minimized. Microgrids are the way of the future. It can mean complete independence from utilities or used in conjunction with utility energy back-up. All of us are capable of living off a microgrid, being self-sufficient, having less of a negative impact on the environment and being more prepared for any natural disasters that could occur . 

Reglation in California is driving residential and commercial to “Zero Net Energy”.  Those left  more dependent on the Utility will bear the burden of the cost in the future.  Why wait?  The projected long term cost of energy is lower with our Micro Grid solution than remaining dependent on the utility.  

The microgrid components are developed - all you need is solar power, storage/batteries, and an LEPS generator.  However, combining these elements, into an integrated system to optimize power quality and equipment life takes experience.  Assisi Energy works in association engineers and consultants that have the necessary expertise and experience to make this work!  

We can help you operate off the grid prosperously and continue to venture into the unknown driven by the pursuit of our infinite potential.