LED lightening is one of the first most essential steps for lowering energy consumption.  The cost has decrease significantly and light quality is improved.

Assisi energy can help you identify vendors and the most beneficial subsidies available.   We can assist you in cost / benefit analysis and implementation of program.

HVAC Efficiency - Depending on the age of your equipment, your solution may vary.  We can help you evaluate the most beneficial solution.  Let us tell you about Bluon TdX 20, a R22 environmentally green replacement that will lower your HVAC operating cost and increase the life of  your equipment.  

Demand Management - One of  your primary energy cost may be driven by your highest demand during any 15 min period in the month.  We can help you to better understand  your tariff rates, where you are most vulnerable to charges, and how to mange your demand to significantly lower your energy cost.