Be Smart. Go Solar.

Now is the time to go Solar, and if you’re here you are close to realizing this fact. You are beginning to take the steps. You most likely agree with the necessity to go solar for the purposes of care and responsibility for the environment. Also, what better way to get energy for your home then from the sun? Energy independence from utilities means security and reliability. You also protect yourself from increasing costs of electricity.

Tax Incentives: Tax benefits for going solar exist now and greatly contribute to the cost savings. Currently there is a 30% benefit for going solar. This benefit is expected to disappear in three years…another reason that now is the time to go solar.

Reliability: You don’t want to be subject to paying inflating utility costs. Wires, as we see it, will soon be a thing of the past. They are dangerous and archaic. With the recent fires involving PG&E this fact is never more present. For now, PG&E will have to cover resultant costs causing the cost of electricity to increase. There is no knowing when power might go out. With solar, if utility power ever goes out, you can still have power off your solar system. Self-sustainability is the way.

The System: Technology is better than ever, the solar panels run efficiently for 20 years with little maintenance, just some cleaning once a year. The panels are sleek, designed with a pleasing aesthetic. There are a wide array of panels to choose from, specific to your needs.

Financing: When it comes to the costs/benefits of going solar it is a guaranteed lucrative financial decision. The money made on savings easily pays for the costs of the solar panels and then you begin making money. It is most lucrative if you finance it all on your own but for some the cost of the system is too expensive. If this is the case, financing the system through a loan is easy. Some are hesitant toward a loan but the loan option even further highlights the fact that everyone should go solar. When making payments on the loan and paying for energy utilizing solar one instantly pays less every month than they were paying the utility.

What to do now? Begin working with Assisi Energy. We access your energy usage, and give you an analysis showing exactly what having a solar panel system would look like, how big of a system you can have, how much of your energy usage will be covered by solar, the cost of the system, and how much you begin saving instantly.

Solar Project Development

The goal is for all, residential and business, commercial and non-profits, to save costs on energy while fulfilling the call to take care of the environment. Now is the time to make this happen at home. The sun is our primary source of energy. One last reminder:

Money saved is money made!